Wednesday, July 30, 2008


These are a few character sketches.

A is for Adam and Adam has had a spark of Adam today

Saturday, July 26, 2008


What has been on my mind for the last two weeks is what is happening tonight; my five year High School reunion. I don't imagine too many people will be there, but how fun. And what's weird is I have run into a handful of High School people I haven't seen in five years. Every time I bring up the reunion they something like, "Oh, I don't know." And I'm like, "What do you mean you don't know? Who are you trying to impress? It's five years. No one expects too much from you yet. Now the ten year reunion you'll have to have a family and successful career, but not right now." Hopefully they will come.

I'm thinking of taking my camera just to compare how people have changed since their senior picture was taken. Might be pretty funny.

Also, I checked out the first episode of "Dr. Horrible's Singing Blog." It was short but fantastic. Dugey Houser was very funny, and I can see this thing taking off. The songs were hilarious. 

Hope you enjoy the pictures.

A is for Adam and Adam is enjoying studying Matthew

Tuesday, July 22, 2008



Hello all. Here are a few drawings from this past weekend. I keep having this tug-of-war within myself that struggles between thinking that I suck and thinking I'm actually getting better. For my close friends and girlfriend who have heard this too much lately I am sorry. Did I mention Hellboy 2 was freaking amazing. 

A is for Adam and Adam is a procrastinator

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Not too much today.

To Heather,

One, just remember who got to go see David Copperfield from the Orchestra pit. Second, I'm going to finish college is less time than you. Third, Atlantis is real. Cello, Disney made a movie about it. Lastly, TALK TO THE HEADBAND.

A is for Adam and Adam is right

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


TODAY I WON A BET. The song "Bitch" played last night at a restaurant and my girlfriend and friends all disagreed with me that the singer was not Atlantis Morissette. They were sadly mistaken.

A is for Adam and Adam is going to bed before 10:30pm

Monday, July 14, 2008


Going barking mad over these two projects and my purpose in life. Nothing new.

A is for Adam and Adam is devilishly hopeful

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Today was amazing. 

At Church I was challenged. I can't express every thought and emotion in it, but like any challenge the words spoken showed me my shortcomings. 

I spent most of my day laughing and staring at my beautiful girlfriend. She teaches me so much and she has no idea about it. Seriously though, her beauty is something to behold; not for too long though men. She will captivate you and she may accidentally ensnare you with her deep, mysterious eyes, but she will let you down. In her words, "I only have eyes and breath for you." Meaning me of course. 

Tonight we view "Sweeny Todd." It is a splendid musical with the twisted mind of Tim Burton literally smeared on the set of every scene. I am very glad I purchased it for my sweet. 

TO SARA...thank you for your polite observation about the status of my blog. I assure you you will not be found wanting form now on. My deepest apologies to an old friend. Thank you for actually checking up on me. And we can do lunch sometime soon.

These are scattered drawings and character sketches for my comic book project. 

A is for Adam and Adam feels most alive on nights like this one.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I wanted to put this memory on the internet. I know this sounds sappy, but hey I'm really passionate about what I do.

In my early High School years I was mid popular, semi-good looking, and a Jesus Freak. I mean crazy. I loved the guy, but was a little too strict and didn't LIVE freely like He wanted me to. It wasn't until the end of my Sophomore year that I wised up and really grew spiritually. Interestingly enough I lost most of my friends during this time too. So, for me, my Bible was the closest thing to my heart. The wisdom, knowledge, and love I learned from that time still sticks with me know. 

Which now brings me to my specific memory. I used to carry my Bible in my pocket. This was when the "Man Bag" was considered feminine and creepy. I eventually wore a perfect rectangle in the front left side of my jeans. About this time I was dating a girl who asked me to not carry my Bible around with me anymore because she thought it looked embarrassing. She asked me this at a Panera and I considered it. But the thought of being separated from God's lifeline in my mind, heart, soul, and strength brought me to tears. I couldn't do it and my the girl saw my conviction and dropped it. 

Unfortunately, I don't considered God's Word to be as close to my heart as it was then. I literally drank it in like a cool spring in the mist of the summer in Africa. I couldn't get enough. This is a sweet memory of mine, and though it is part of my past I will strive to make it my future again. 

A is for Adam and Adam is emotional (even on his blog)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Trying to convert some practice drawings into a more Indie comic style. Here's what came of it today. Hope you love it. 

More tennis ball baseball with friends, connecting with Danielle, Seinfield, air kisses and tongue, and storm during shower. And how was your day. Jesus, you are awesome. 

A is for Adam and Adam is digging his long hair right now

Monday, July 7, 2008

Oh and I am doing a sort of Ode to Ghostbusters. These are some drawing I will ink later. I have always loved Ghostbusters. Starting with the cartoon, then the movies, and hopefully the video game that comes out next year. Maybe I can dig up some old pictures of me in the Ghostbuster suit. Hmmmm.


My fourth was amazing. Got burnt like a piece of toast on Bull Shoals lake but it was worth it. Tubing, swimming, chatting it up with good friends, and seeing my girl in a bathing suit. Here are drawings for last week. Looks like I will have to make two separate posts for them. Oh, and by the way the Hellboy graphic novels are the bomb. Very smart, very well done, and the art is out of this world. 

A is for Adam and Adam's skin has a vendetta against the sun