Saturday, May 31, 2008

...and this one is for my homie.

Yesterday I had to put my dog down. His name was Dugan, but I called him Dugey, The Duganator, Dugalicious, Dugey Von Stugey, and Duganstein. He is/was a silky terrier who lived to be sixteen years old. Wow. It was time for him to go. I loved him very much. I got him when I was in fifth grade. I'm also posting this woman in a veil. Classic beauty. Thank you.

A is for Adam and Adam is remembering

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Okay, I'm trying to see how this whole thing is working because...(drum roll) I am going to try a consistant sketchbook for the summer. Meaning everyday I will draw, doodle, sketch, ink, paint, apply sometype of medium to my sketchbook for the remainder of the summer. It will be difficult, maybe. I don't know, I think I'm up for the challenge. What do you think invisible but super interested people out there?

Above is Ashley Wood (incredible) and Kinsey (fantastic). Just a small portion of people I consider my "Illustration Arsenal."

Oh, and Flight of the Concords is my new thing right now.

Adam (is the smartest)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Finals are over! Hallelujah. It is a sweet feeling to know that I can go home this week and draw for my own enjoyment and giggles. Which will give me time to focus on the comic Kevin Leigh Watkins and I are putting together called "When Angel's Aren't Looking." He already wrote the story awhile back and now we are collaborating on transforming his amazing short novel to a graphic novel. It won't be easy, it will take some time, patience is a must, but we are strong and we will be victorious.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

It's interesting, after everything that has happened to me in the last three years I have found that I'm now...boring. I'm serious, I've become lame. After the monstrosity of anullment I was pretty well connected on the inside and was ready to take on the world from the outside. Dating was easy because I knew what I wanted; and I have found it perfectly. But I think the wear and tear of school and deadlines has drummed me into a absent-minded machine only bent on completing the next task put before me. What the craP! I'll figure it out and work through it with my Creator. This is my small rant.